Introducing Inner Peace Formula

The Inner Peace™ IS A 100% NATURAL, DIETARY SUPPLEMENT FORMULA that is custom-formulated for you to help your body recover from your nagging symptoms.

With Inner Peace’s™ comprehensive formula, you’re getting the full, potency, with a full dose of Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, GABA, Lemon Balm and Griffonia Seed Ext-5HTP with 23 more essential vitamins and minerals to protect your health so you can enjoy all the many health benefits I’ve described so far.

Inner Peace™ is “the perfect balanced solution” to calm and re-balance your hormones, restore your energy, be clearer thinking, and easily drop all the “muffin-top fat” you want, while you boost your immunity and enjoy a calmer mood too.
Order Now
Could the nagging symptoms you’re experiencing of low energy, brain fog, anxiety, poor mood and lack of sleep...  be a ticking time bomb to a hidden health issue?
Clinical studies show toxic emotion, stress, anxiety and 1001 responsibilities build up INSIDE your body just like toxic chemicals do. It’s these constant toxic stressors causing you to feel chronically tired and years older than you should.
As an expert in natural health and healing, I can tell you the best kind of healing is when you support your body’s own rejuvenating powers to help your body heal itself.
I was fighting with all I had and rapidly losing my strength. The force of it was pulling me down... down... down into a cold, dark watery grave...
I kicked my feet as hard as I could, struggling to surface. I gasped for air! 

My tired arms were weakening. I coughed and choked as my lungs filled warm, salty water...

My left leg started to cramp... the pain was intense. I knew this was the end.

A crazy thought flashed through my mind... “Is this it? Is this how my life will end? Oh, why did I risk my life coming to this remote island?”

I stopped struggling. I lost consciousness as a warm ocean wave covered my head.

The next thing I remember... I couldn’t breathe! Then suddenly fresh air filled my lungs. I coughed hard and rolled over spitting up salt water.

As my vision cleared my heart lurched in pain, because the first thing I saw was my husband’s tear-stained face!

My husband pulled me close and kissed my forehead, as he gently smoothed my hair back from my face. He hugged me tight as a single tear slid down his cheek. He whispered to me, “Ange, my love, are you alright?”

I nodded. My throat was too raw to speak. Then, my husband opened his flask, I took a sip of the strong smelling and bitter drink he knew would restore my strength. I clung to my husband, trying not to cry, feeling thankful to be rescued.

Then a funny thing happened, as I stopped coughing and sputtering, trying to get my air, the villagers who saw me fall overboard cheered for me. They were happy to see I was - alive!

I’ll continue telling you the rest of my exciting real life adventure in just a moment...

But first, I have a serious health warning for you.

Could the nagging symptoms you’re experiencing of low energy, brain fog, anxiety, poor mood and lack of sleep...  be a ticking time bomb to a hidden health issue?

If you’re worried about your future health, or the health of someone you care about, then you need to know about this remarkable natural discovery from the village of Yuzurihara – known as “the village of long life”. 

It’s a remote village on an island in the East China Sea, where people live into their 90‘s and beyond! So what the villagers from Yuzurihara know about having near “perfect health” that many American Doctors don’t know?

These villagers drink an ancient tonic made from a 5,000 year old recipe...that calms poor mood, promotes clearer thinking, eases anxiety and improves low energy and stamina - even when modern medicine fails!

How might your life improve... If you felt more energy, enjoyed clearer thinking, and had a stronger immune system... using something you could always count on... to ensure you slept all night and woke up feeling refreshed and in a good mood?

Might you experience more feelings of joy, peace and harmony every day for the rest of your life?

Sure you would! 

As you sit there listening to me... You might already be starting to relax knowing that I care about you, and that’s why I’m speaking to you today, because there’s no reason for you to suffer another day with a nagging health issue, if we’ve already solved it!

Hi, I’m Ange Byrne, I’m a Naturopath, Herbalist and Co-Founder of Nutrition Blends, and I’m part of the Nutrition Blends Team, and we’re devoted to finding natural breakthroughs for the best-working natural health solutions. 

As an expert in natural health and healing, I can tell you the best kind of healing is when you support your body’s own rejuvenating powers to help your body heal itself. 

In fact, thousands of happy people take the time to call or write us to say our natural health solutions are so good... they can actually feel the difference inside their bodies, and tell us they know it’s working because - they feel better!

I’ll share some of their personal stories with you... right in this video... 

But before I do, it’s important we talk about your health recovery...

Many people needlessly suffer from low energy and lack of stamina, brain fog and poor focus, chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, unbalanced immunity response, or a low mood... do you suffer with any of these too?

If you do... why put up with another day of feeling lousy, when you don’t have to?

It’s possible, you can trigger the natural healing powers inside your body, so you feel good again.

Now, let’s talk about... why you feel unwell... 

If your day seems like a mad rush the moment you hit the alarm until your head hits the pillow at night.

And if you’re feeling so “wired-up” you can’t turn your brain off with all the things you have to do; your brain and nervous system is still too awake, and it’s preventing you from easily falling asleep and staying asleep until morning.

The reason you’re feeling unwell... is not just your busy schedule; it’s the suppressed emotions, chronic anxiety, and your unfinished “to-do-list”, it’s taking a huge toll on your health and your feelings of calm and well-being.

Clinical studies show toxic emotion, stress, anxiety and 1001 responsibilities build up INSIDE your body just like toxic chemicals do. It’s these constant toxic stressors causing you to feel chronically tired and years older than you should. 

If any of these symptoms are in your life, I can feel your pain, as I have experienced this too.

With my background in Nutrition and Psychology, I studied the massive number of clinical studies dedicated to proving how “reducing stress” and “eating right” have a huge impact on our mental, physical and emotional health. 

But there’s “a big health secret” most doctor’s don’t know.... one that reducing your stress and eating right won’t fix.

In fact, the medical mainstream makes trillions of dollars by feeding you solutions which only mask symptoms and never fix what is really affecting your low energy, weight gain, poor immunity, sleeplessness and mood problems.

Your chronic insomnia is “a red-alert” you need to pay serious attention to! 

I didn’t. That was a huge mistake I made. It almost cost me my career, my marriage and my good health.

This is very personal, and that’s why; I’m a little hesitant to tell you this. 

You see, I was chronically over-tired too. I felt cranky and moody. My stress and anxiety was higher than it had ever been. I had dark circles under my eyes, no makeup could cover. Nothing in my life was working out the way I wanted.

I was fed up with feeling unwell; maybe you feel that way too. 

You don’t have to feel helpless or unwell, not when you know what to give your body to heal itself.

I made it my mission to find clinically proven more natural ways to heal the body, the mind and spirit. I did this, not only for myself; but to help the women and men suffering and in pain and who need this knowledge to heal.

It’s why I am so anxious to share a life-changing secret with you from the village of the longest-living people in the world. It was just off this remote island’s shores, where I almost drown and lost my life.

It all started... when my husband and I heard about a remote village where the people live active, nearly-disease-free lives well past their 90’s. In fact, the symptoms of low energy, brain fog, moodiness and poor sleep - don’t exist there.

The village’s name was Yuzurihara, it’s known as “The Village of Long Life”. 

”Yuzurihara is a beautiful and peaceful island where people live longer and are healthier than anywhere else on earth. Their secret is a 3,000 year old ancient tonic. It’s made with de-aging nutrients found on the island, and stimulates the body’s natural protective agents against dozens of health problems and disease”.

The moment we heard this, my husband and I booked a flight to investigate his incredible claim.

I needed to know why this was true, so I could share it with you. 

Little did we know the serious risks we would face, or unforeseen events that would almost cost us our lives. But we would do it again in a heartbeat, because what we found is so incredible, so life rejuvenating - it was worth any cost.

Now, there’s something urgent I have to ask you... Do you suffer from persistent chronic fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, moodiness, and low immune response these symptoms are “early warning signs”? If you do, then – something inside you is seriously wrong.

As a caring friend, I’m concerned – even a bit worried – about getting you the vital information you need so you can overcome the health problems you are facing now, and then you never have to hurt, feel bad or moody again.

It’s my mission to care, it’s my lifelong dedication – to help you live a healthier life than you ever dreamed was possible.

Your body is designed to heal itself – if you know how to help it and I’m here to show you how.

In fact, the more wired-up, fatigued and moody you feel – the faster this new health secret revitalizes your body and mind so you feel energized, rejuvenated and in a better mood - just like you feel after a nice long vacation.

I know that’s a lot to believe could be true, but I promise you, by the time you’ve watched this informative video to the end, you’ll see all the proof you need, to know this works, and is worth checking into.

As a Medical Researcher, I’ve studied and tested all types of vitamins, minerals, herbs and combination supplements and the clinical studies conducted on them. I’ve tried everything I knew to ease my symptoms but nothing seemed to help.

That’s why; I’m a bit sheepish to admit to you, I had my own health issues. 

I was 15 pounds overweight, despite trying every diet I could find. I was often stressed-out and had “female problems”.

I felt achy all over, because I didn’t sleep well, so getting out of bed in the morning was a struggle. 

I’d see dark circles under my eyes that made me look old. When I tried to dress to cover up the flab of my “muffin top”... how I looked in the mirror made me feel utterly hopelessness. I knew I couldn’t continue living this way.

So I scheduled an appointment to see my Doctor. When I told him about my symptoms, my doctor assured me he would find the cause of my symptoms. So my doctor had the nurse take several blood samples. 

On my next doctor’s visit, my Doctor told me “Your test results all shows in the normal range... everything is normal.”

I felt so angry when he said this, I broke down and cried. Between my tears I choked out... “No! Something’s wrong!

I can feel everything inside me is NOT normal! Something’s not right inside me and you need to figure out what it is!” 

But my pleas fell on deaf ears. My doctor seemed surprised at my reaction and tried to calm me down. 

He told me in a stern voice, ”Now, Ange... calm yourself, it’s just your over-active nerves! You need to find a way to reduce your work obligations and reduce your stress level. I’d suggest you get more rest and stick with the nutritional plan the nutritionist recommended, if you want to lose weight.” 

As I left his office, I felt demoralized and discouraged. I had no hope anything my doctor told me to do would help me. 

My health issues worsened as more pressure fell on me to do even more. I struggled to find enough energy after my hectic day at work to take proper care of my family. I felt I was failing at doing everything, even taking care of myself.

On the rare occasion when I did get a half hour to do yoga and try to meditate, I just couldn’t seem to get my mind to stop racing. I found it particularly difficult to sit still and empty my mind. 

I would sit there in my yoga pose constantly thinking about what I had to do after work, or what the kids needed for school the next day. So much for a calming yoga session!

Something just wasn’t right inside me, I felt constantly wired. I suffered with anxiety and insomnia that left me chronically tired. I felt out of sorts and more moody than I had ever been.

I just didn’t feel like myself anymore.

And if all that wasn’t enough for me to cope with, my marriage was failing. Our high-intensity career workloads and long hours at the office left my husband and I with little energy left for intimacy in the bedroom. I felt us drifting apart.

I felt so out of sorts, I had a big argument over something silly with my best girlfriend. Now she wasn’t accepting my calls. I felt more alone than I’d ever been, because my best girlfriend wasn’t there to listen and support me.

But all that changed after my husband and I visited Yuzurihara, The Village of Long Life.

As I packed for this trip with my husband, my heart swelled with longing and hope. I prayed somehow “a true love miracle” would happen. 

I closed my eyes. I daydreamed we were on the island. In my daydream, I appeared as my younger self, looking more attractive, thinner and sexier... As I daydreamed, I felt the surge of loving feelings for my husband and the sweet feelings of falling in love all over again... 

I pictured a romantic getaway as my lover and I walked hand-in-hand down a little-known path to a secluded beach. Once the tropical canopy shaded us from view, my lover tumbled me to the sand and made sweet passionate love to me, as the soft lapping of ocean waves soothed us and covered our cries of passion!

That sounds like a pretty incredible and sexy daydream, doesn’t it? 

If you’re wondering if my sexy daydream came true, you’ll need to watch to the end, to hear the rest of my love story!

As my husband and I boarded the plane, we could hardly wait to meet the villagers and see the island with our own eyes. I’ll admit we were skeptical because the story of The Village of Long Life seemed almost too good to be true. 

Now, you may be thinking ancient folk medicine sounds a bit far out, and yet, we all have heard of newly discovered plants and animals offering startling new treatments for illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimers.

Our mission was to confirm how this ancient tonic could ease (slow down) the signs of premature aging and illness.

It was important for us to verify the ages of the village people and get the exact ingredients they used in the ancient tonic so we could conduct scientific-backed research to prove the de-aging benefits the villagers said was true.

We needed the precise amounts of the tonic’s ingredients to determine exactly how the natural compounds were actually working in the body and how the ancient tonic helped the villagers live longer and be almost disease-free!

You’re probably aware of the fact I was suffering with many chronic symptoms... my doctor was at a loss to do anything to help me with...

If you’ve ever felt unwell, low energy, endured problems foggy thinking, suffered with allergies, or gained weight you couldn’t lose... you may have felt body’s hormones could be a big part of the problem, so I know how you feel.

It was during our trip to the island, I finally discovered the truth about why I was suffering with low energy, moodiness and chronic fatigue and why I couldn’t lose any weight no matter how much I starved myself or hard or long I exercised!

All my hormones were spinning out of control and my fat-burning and storing metabolisms were seriously out of whack!

My husband was worried about my health after I had almost drowned. The next day I felt so fatigued I could hardly get out of bed.

So my husband gently suggested I visit the village healer...

The village healer was well-respected by all the villagers. He wore lots of colored beads and tiny bells around his neck that tinkled as he walked with a sure step around the village healing as he went.

He was a funny looking old man with lots of wrinkles, as he was said to be well over 100 years old.

As I entered his hut, he gave me a big toothy smile of welcome. He sat quietly as he listened to all my complaints. When he did, I couldn’t help feeling a little bit better, because the Healer actually listened to me.

After I finished speaking, he smiled a big wide smile. As he nodded his head up and down, he said to me...

“Woman’s problems... you have many, many old women problems. Drink this.”

He handed me an old pottery cup filled with an ancient tonic. Then he held up 3 fingers. “Drink three cups a day.”

After I took the cup, he made a very curvy and sexually suggestive sign with his hands towards my husband. Then he winked and said “Soon, you feel more young, more woman-like, husband like you better too!”

Now I didn’t know what he meant by the wink and words “my husband would like me better too”... but I was feeling so unwell and lethargic I’d drink almost anything to feel better.

My husband sniffed the drink before I drank it. He has a stronger stomach, and he drank it too. The “ancient tonic” was so bitter I had to pinch my nose so I couldn’t taste it.

It tasted funny but in just a few minutes I actually felt a little bit better and could walk back to the tent. I drank 3 cups every day, just like the old Healer said to do.

Later I learned from the village women that the healer believed my symptoms of low energy and stamina, brain fog, frequent allergies, and moodiness was a sign of several imbalances inside my body and the ancient tonic would fix it.

The ancient tonic was made from native plants to help support and protect the entire body. It keep the villagers healthy and feeling good well into their 90’s.

Some herbs help to increase blood flow to the brain and nervous system. Others make the cell’s mitochondria produce more energy by rebalancing hormones to restore near-normal blood sugar levels and reduce fatigue.

And other herbs slowed cortisol and adrenaline production to reduce free-radical damage and worked to promote a healthy immune response and better joint mobility.

There were herbs added to improve digestion and ease water retention and to aid the liver’s ability to flush excess fats, harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body to boost weight loss.

There were even special herbs added to boost the desire for love-making... they worked by boosting mood and the level of hormones that made me feel sexy!

Although the ancient tonic was very bitter, these herbs worked gently, yet effectively and did something almost magical to my body.

It helped my body naturally cleanse itself, so my fat-storing and fat-burning hormones started worked together again, it even stop my unhealthy food cravings and reduced my appetite too!

This ancient tonic worked to TURN-ON more of my good fat burning hormones.

And the ancient tonic TURNED OFF the overproduction of my fat-storing hormones like Cortisol, and Adrenaline, that had been forcing me to store fat and robbing me of my slender body, high-energy and calm mood!

Every time I drank the ancient tonic I felt a noticeable difference in how I good I felt, I less moody and calmer too.

I know it seems remarkable anything could cleanse-away my chronic fatigue, brain fog, moodiness, and feelings of sleep deprivation but this ancient tonic did the trick... soon I felt more like my sexier self... and all it took was 7 days.

In fact... I flushed-away 5 pounds of ugly “muffin top” fat the first week I drank it!

Because, I drank the tonic every day during our trip. I lost 12 more pounds in only 4 weeks!

I felt more energy, slept better and felt more desire for my husband than I had in years.

After we had returned to America, and I stepped on my scale I was stunned to see 17 pounds had fallen off my body.

When I looked in the mirror and saw my sexy silhouette, it was no wonder my husband had been giving me lots of hot, sexy glances because I looked young and felt so good again.

When we were on the island all the village men and women were teasing us about being young lovers! I felt so good and had so much energy we were making love for hours at night!

My husband couldn’t stop giving me loving hugs and kisses too. We were back in love again, and enjoying more intimacy and fun in the bedroom than we had since we were married!

I was so happy my heart almost burst with joy, and it was all due to the ancient tonic from The Village of Long Life!

You’re probably excited to get some of this ancient tonic for yourself, but you can’t buy this ancient tonic anywhere else because we’ve keep the ancient tonic a secret, that is until now.

I promise you, this ancient tonic will work better... than anything you’ve tried before, unlike coffee, energy drinks, and herbs like ginseng, or prescription mood-altering drugs that come with uncomfortable side-effects.

In fact, this ancient tonic doesn’t act as a stimulant; so you never feel jittery, instead it fixes the hidden causes of chronic fatigue, low energy, insomnia, immune-insufficiency and low mood that are plaguing millions of people just like you.

Best of all, I’ve found the clinical science that shows these 6 secret ingredients are proven in human studies to work to help ease all these symptoms you’re feeling right now.

I will caution you to always discuss any changes to your regimen with a physician you trust before making any life changes. The formula for this ancient tonic is proven safe, effective and simple to use when taken as directed.

Anyone can use the ingredients in this ancient tonic to transform their health, boost energy, support healthy blood pressure and blood sugar, balance poor mood, bolster immune system and get a slimmer waistline too.

Drinking the ancient tonic changed my health for the better. Take a look, at a recent photo of me from my sister’s wedding, you can see for yourself, how I look slimmer, healthier and happier than I’ve felt in years.

This ancient tonic brought that “spark” back into my marriage. It changed our lives. It saved our marriage.

So, if you feel overstressed and burnt-out with fatigue that never-ends, it’s time you did something about it.

You deserve better than to keep suffering, feeling helpless and hopeless, you don’t have to keep feeling this way. I promise you... you don’t have to feel hurt or feel unwell... not if you don’t want to!

All you need to do is drink this ancient tonic and in just 7 days... You’ll be feeling less anxiety, and sleeping better and longer, because deeper more restful sleep allows your body to naturally cleanse itself of harmful toxins, bad hormones and anything that sends your body out of balance.

Once your body is functioning more near normal, your nagging symptoms of feeling unwell will simply fade away.

Then you’ll believe me when I say... This ancient tonic works!

Remember as a Nutritionist and Health Researcher I’d already tried to work with my Doctor to fix my out of whack hormones and metabolism – but nothing she told me to do had worked for me to get rid of my symptoms.

Little did I know when my husband and I walked into the village of long life, this ancient tonic would be the only thing that would work to restore my energy and health and marriage!

Remember, if my husband had failed to rescue me, after I gotten sea sick (I had leaned over to vomit in the boat) and I accidentally fell overboard, you wouldn’t be hearing about it from me right now!

In fact, my team and I have helped thousands of women and men understand what was wrong so they could restore their good health and vitality with revitalizing herbs and nutrients right from Mother Nature.

I’m thrilled to see my inbox filling up with messages from women and men just like you, who are so happy to be living lives with more energy and vitality than they have felt in years.


  • I’m amazed at the energy I have now!

    I’m a busy mother of three and work as a HR Manager. Before I gave this tonic a try, I couldn’t make it through my day without pots of coffee. I was too tired to make supper and keep the house clean! I’m amazed at the energy I’ve got now! I’ve lost 7 pounds my first month and my husband tells me I look sexy too. I’m thrilled and will never be without it!
    Melissa H., 43
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    It’s gone! My brain fog and chronic fatigue are finally gone! It’s just hard to believe I feel so good. I feel almost NORMAL again. I’ve got my energy and my stamina back too. Now I have energy to cook a nice meal after getting home from a busy day at work. Thank you so much for this! I’ve recommended it to my sisters, and they love it too
    Marlene G., 47
    Troy, Michigan
    I had adrenal fatigue and this gave me my energy and feeling of calmness back.

    I’m a Nurse, which is stressful enough, but recently my Mom moved in with me so I have to take care of my Mom too. Now I am almost never have any time off. My doctor told me my exhaustion and moodiness was due to adrenal fatigue. This is the only thing I tried that gave me my energy and feeling of calmness back.
    Anna N., 34
    Spokane, Washington
  • I am a construction worker and when things would go wrong I would get really upset and fly off the handle. My boss told me I had to calm myself down or I would get fired. My wife got this for me and I have to admit I didn’t think it would work. I can’t believe how much better I feel and I’m much less moody now. I feel almost NORMAL and like myself again
    Rick B., 29
    Construction Worker from Dallas, Texas
    This works! I’ve got my stamina back to do 16 hour days at the factory now.

    My job as a Factory Manager is horribly stressful. My acid reflux was bad and my Doctor told me I had to calm down and slow down. I was skeptical this would work, but my wife tried it and it helped her so figured I would too. This works! I’ve got my stamina back to do 10 hour days at the factory now.
    James W., 55
    Factory Manager from Fort Wayne, Indiana
    I didn’t know how grouchy I had become until my daughter told me she wouldn’t ride in a car with me anymore. I guess it was because I was just feeling so unwell. Now after trying this, I can think clearly again and my driving is improved. My daughter is spending more time with me because my sunny disposition is back. Thanks for making a wonderful product.
    June H., 63
    Miami, Florida
  • I’m amazed at the energy I have now!

    I’m a busy mother of three and work as a HR Manager. Before I gave this tonic a try, I couldn’t make it through my day without pots of coffee. I was too tired to make supper and keep the house clean! I’m amazed at the energy I’ve got now! I’ve lost 7 pounds my first month and my husband tells me I look sexy too. I’m thrilled and will never be without it!
    Melissa H., 43
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • It’s gone! My brain fog and chronic fatigue are finally gone! It’s just hard to believe I feel so good. I feel almost NORMAL again. I’ve got my energy and my stamina back too. Now I have energy to cook a nice meal after getting home from a busy day at work. Thank you so much for this! I’ve recommended it to my sisters, and they love it too
    Marlene G., 47
    Troy, Michigan
  • I had adrenal fatigue and this gave me my energy and feeling of calmness back.

    I’m a Nurse, which is stressful enough, but recently my Mom moved in with me so I have to take care of my Mom too. Now I am almost never have any time off. My doctor told me my exhaustion and moodiness was due to adrenal fatigue. This is the only thing I tried that gave me my energy and feeling of calmness back.
    Anna N., 34
    Spokane, Washington
  • I am a construction worker and when things would go wrong I would get really upset and fly off the handle. My boss told me I had to calm myself down or I would get fired. My wife got this for me and I have to admit I didn’t think it would work. I can’t believe how much better I feel and I’m much less moody now. I feel almost NORMAL and like myself again
    Rick B., 29
    Construction Worker from Dallas, Texas
  • This works! I’ve got my stamina back to do 16 hour days at the factory now.

    My job as a Factory Manager is horribly stressful. My acid reflux was bad and my Doctor told me I had to calm down and slow down. I was skeptical this would work, but my wife tried it and it helped her so figured I would too. This works! I’ve got my stamina back to do 10 hour days at the factory now.
    James W., 55
    Factory Manager from Fort Wayne, Indiana
  • I didn’t know how grouchy I had become until my daughter told me she wouldn’t ride in a car with me anymore. I guess it was because I was just feeling so unwell. Now after trying this, I can think clearly again and my driving is improved. My daughter is spending more time with me because my sunny disposition is back. Thanks for making a wonderful product.
    June H., 63
    Miami, Florida
I’m sure you are thinking these results sound incredible! Imagine feeling this energetic and relaxed no matter what your day throws at you!

Now I’d like to tell you more about how high stress levels can cause health-threatening inflammation.

Chronic stress can accelerate levels of damaging inflammation in the body, causing premature cell aging and brings all the health risks associated with being over-weight like, heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney failure and even cancer.

That’s the bad news... now for some good news!

You can beat stress and keep it from causing damaging inflammation by stocking your body up with the vital cell rejuvenating nutrients and I’ll show you how to do this at the end of this video.

Here’s what you need to know about the two kinds of inflammation and how to avoid it.

Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation is known as “healthy inflammation”, it’s a natural healing process. 

This is when white blood cells rush to the area of an injury, or invasion by a foreign substance (bacteria, virus, fungus or similar pathogen) and go to work repairing the damaged cells and tissues which protects the body from harm.

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation. This is “unhealthy inflammation”, it can trigger widespread cell damage, and may result in malformed cells and even in cancerous cells forming.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the body’s cells are overstressed. But unlike acute inflammation this is worse, because chronic inflammation does not stop, it lingers and damages the body and pre-maturely ages cells.

Many people think that chronic inflammation is a normal sign of aging – but it’s NOT. If you’re suffering with unhealthy damaging chronic inflammation it can result in severe illness and even death.
Next, I’d like to cover the many ways chronic inflammation can damage your body.

When inflammation occurs in the mitochondria of the cells – it results low energy and chronic fatigue called Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Fibromyalgia is when chronic inflammation causes nerve degeneration and sensations of burning, stinging pain.1

If the brain is inflamed – it short-circuits brain signals and results in brain fog and fuzzy thinking with poor focus and concentration and may increase the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease or other neurological conditions.2

Osteoarthritis is unhealthy inflammation inside a joint – which causes cartilage, the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint to break down.

Rheumatoid arthritis – is an auto-immune disease that inflames the lining of joints (synovium) and causes pain.3

If the unhealthy inflammation occurs in the gut – it causes Crohn's disease or irritable bowel disorder (IBD) or lupus and can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition.4

Airway inflammation causes Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema, and may worsen to chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD.5

Severe dry eyes may lead to – eye inflammation, abrasion of the corneal surface, corneal ulcer and vision problems, and may result in blindness.6

When chronic inflammation damages the pancreas – this may lead scar tissue to form causing loss of function. A poorly functioning pancreas can cause digestion problems and diabetes.7

The liver is your body’s main cleansing organ, so as the liver tries to halt the damage from chronic inflammation it produces areas of scarring (fibrosis). In time this scarring may lead to end-stage liver failure and even liver cancer.8

Chronically inflamed Adrenal Glands – may affect fat-burning and storing metabolism, blood pressure, the immune system, sex hormones and the body's response to stress and emotional state.

Elevated hormone production can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart disease, weight gain and memory and concentration impairment and sleep problems, according to the Mayo Clinic.9

If the Thyroid gland is inflamed – the thyroid will fail to balance the hormones that deal with mood and anxiety and depression may occur.

Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (from Hashimoto's disease) often leads to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) and causes chronic thyroid damage, leading to a drop in thyroid hormone levels in your blood.10

If you experience — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels — that occur together — you could have Metabolic Syndrome.11

Chronic inflammation can be triggered or worsened by smoking, excessive alcohol intake, drug use, obesity, insufficient sleep, chronically high stress levels, unbalanced hormones, and poor diet.

Remember, if you have any of the symptoms of chronic inflammation I just covered, and you ignore your symptoms you significantly raise your risk of premature cell death, with the increased risk of malformed cells which may lead to cancer and other serious, life-threatening illnesses.

If you suffer from unhealthy chronic inflammation, you need to take action now before your symptoms get out of hand.

Here’s something most people don’t know, it’s why all multivitamins and supplements are not created equal.

When you look closely at the label, check the precise amounts and how many capsules are needed for the recommended dose. You may be surprised to see you need to take 2, 3 or 4 capsules a day to get the prescribed dose!

I’ve randomly tested supplements (especially from non-U.S. Laboratories) for potency and purity and found they didn’t contain the ingredients printed on the label!

This isn’t nutrition; this is an insult to you, your health and your buying intelligence!

When my clinical researchers studied and created this ancient tonic in the lab, we found the smoothie we made with the ingredients was bitter. No natural flavorings we used could remove the bitter taste.

Another concern we had was finding a low cost source all 6 herbal ingredients in a high-potency, and in the right dosages. None of the herbal suppliers we contacted had the right ingredients, potencies or dosages to match what was in the ancient tonic!

That’s why after failing to find a formula that contained all the ingredients we needed, and would pass our stringent potency, quality and safety standards, we had to change our formula.

We changed our formula for the ancient tonic from a supplement drink mix to an easy-to-swallow capsule.

I told my husband, “I’ll create my own formula, so I can feel confident I can happily recommend it!”

Remember earlier, when I told you I’d show you what I recommend you do to get rid of your nagging symptoms for good? Well here it is...


Rhodiola improves improved attention, cognitive function and mental performance in fatigue and in chronic fatigue syndrome.12
In a review of six clinical trials it was demonstrated that Rhodiola has a significant stress-protective activity due to the regulation of key mediators of stress response, such as cortisol and nitric oxide.
Often called “Indian ginseng”. This potent herb is valued for its thyroid-modulating, neuroprotective, anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties.13 Ashwagandha is also proven to enhance stamina and work as a natural stress reliever.

But does Ashwagandha shown to help with weight loss if you’re under chronic stress?

A study of 52 test subjects was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a standardized root extract of Ashwagandha through a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 13
The subjects received either Ashwagandha (300 mg) or placebo twice daily, which suggests Ashwagandha root extract can be used for body weight management in adults under chronic stress.
L-Theanine & Bacopa
Significantly improves memory acquisition and retention to increase the alpha wave in the brain this works to allow for enhanced focus, concentration, learning and memory as it shuts off the “worry” impulses in the brain.14

A clinical study compared 100 mg L-theanine and caffine and found this combination improved both speed and accuracy on attention-switching tasks and was beneficial for improving performance on cognitively demanding tasks.
An important inhibitory transmitter and regulate brain and nerve functioning by sharpening focus. GABA also acts like a natural sedative to improve your feelings of calm.
Lemon Balm
A herbal medicine that has traditionally been attributed with memory-enhancing properties, but which is currently more widely used as a mild sedative and sleep aid.
5HTP from Griffonia Seed Extract
The plant is used in the treatment of anxiety and depression, insomnia, migraine and headache, and for the regulation of appetite leading to weight reduction in obese patients.
I’ve added 6 additional mood-power enhancing herbs including: Chamomile, Passion Flower, Valerian, Skull Cap, St. Johns Wart and Hops to help improve feelings of calm.
Read More
Inner Peace™ also contains several perfectly-blended anti-oxidant powerhouses with the addition of: Lutein, Hawthorn, Oat Straw, Magnolia and Mucuna pruriens.

Plus, we’ve added Niacin, Biotin, Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc now widely regarded as the most effective vitamins and minerals for the relief of memory and cognitive problems, low energy and immune system dysfunction.

If you want to slow early cell death make sure your supplement contains the proper potency and purity Vitamin B 1, B 2, B5, and B6. And for a strong boost energy that lasts all day long, you need to supplement with Niacin, Magnesium and Zinc!

These powerful antioxidants when combined can reduce free radical damage, by reducing environmental toxin load and help protect your brain and nervous system.

Now you can clearly see why, I’ve selected this custom-blend of 29 proprietary ingredients have been chosen for their activity, purity and potency, proven in clinical trials to work as described.

All 29 were chosen specifically to improve your brain power, boost your level of energy, promote calmness, and deeper, longer and more restful sleep.
Inner Peace’s™ ingredients are clinically proven to aid your body in restoring hormonal balance, healing the natural regulatory systems inside your body and helping to slow the effects of cell aging, all while it speeds relief of chronic inflammation caused by overstress and a nutrient-deficient diet.

This is the best kept secret may help keep your mind and memory sharp, improve your concentration, dramatically boost your energy, supercharge your immune system, helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep all night long.

Inner Peace™ may help you cope with over-stress by promoting feelings of well being and calm inner peace.

And you’ll FEEL the DIFFERENCE too! The increased energy, clearer thinking, higher immunity and calmer mind that comes from better sleep.

This once-a-day capsule is a “near-perfect nutrient shield” and works to protect your brain and body from the ravages of the extreme stress you face every day.

Inner Peace™... is the ONLY way to guarantee your body gets all 6 herbal ingredients in the precise blend just like the ancient tonic I drank.
It's time for you to:
Experience faster thinking, and sharper focus with better problem solving
Boost your immune system and improve sluggish circulation...
Feel calmer and more in control through periods of stress...
Help your body grow younger cells with each passing day!
Experience deeper, longer and more restful sleep...
Be your best self for better days!

Every Bottle of Inner Peace™ Is

Rigorously Tested... Each batch of Inner Peace™ is verified in a rigorous testing process to ensure our bottles contain the potency and purity and amounts of the ingredients listed on the label and is certified free of heavy metals, and pesticide-free and Prop 65 Compliant.
FDA Certified... Our formula is created inside an FDA Certified Inspected Lab so you can rest easy as every bottle is guaranteed made in the U. S. A. in a state-of-the art facility, compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices.

What would Abundant Energy, Clearer Thinking, Higher Immunity, Better Sleep and a Happier Mood be Worth To You?

All it takes is just one tiny capsule each morning, this gives you all the following benefits of Inner Peace™...

You’ll be able to handle any stress that comes your way because you woke up refreshed from a deep and restful sleep.

You’ll feel a surge of energy and clearer thinking to start your day, and you’ll feel safer with higher immunity to avoid colds and flu viruses, so you’ll be more productive with a happier mood to see you all the way through your hectic day.

You’ll feel confident you’ll be at your best every day when you take one tiny Inner Peace™ capsule to start your day.

See how you can get Inner Calm for yourself... and get ready to start feeling quicker thinking, be more alert, feel calmer, more rested as you can feel – RISK FREE...

Inner Peace’s™ TRIPLE 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

# 1. If you’re not thrilled with the way Inner Peace™ makes you FEEL – even after your first day... you’re entitled your money back.

# 2. If you’re not certain that Inner Peace™ does do everything we say it does – and isn’t better than any similar supplement you’ve tried... you’re entitled your money back.

# 3. If you’re not feeling an increase in energy, clearer thinking, avoiding colds and flu, sleeping deeper and longer – and waking up feeling a better mood than you have in a while... you’re entitled your money back.

We firmly believe Inner Peace™ is far above the most potent and best combination of health, immune and mood ingredients available anywhere at any price.

We promise, you will find Inner Peace™ to be the most effective 6 in 1 supplement you ever tried. And if you disagree with this for ANY reason, you don’t pay a penny. It’s that simple. We stand behind Inner Peace™ 100%.

By now, you know trying Inner Peace™ today is a smart choice, it’s just pennies on the dollar compared to what you’re spending on medical costs, you could revitalize and feel younger and more active again, with a better mood too.

You don’t have to completely surrender to the whims of pharmacies and doctor’s offices.

You can claim your best years yet. You can take up new hobbies, feel sexier and even fall in love again.

Think of this tiny capsule as one of your best forms of health insurance you can have.

And good health is something we can’t put a price tag on. Wouldn’t you agree with me?

You can get your bottle of Inner Peace™ today, and try it absolutely 100% risk-free. Just tell me where to ship it.

Order Inner Peace Formula Now

Now there’s one catch. I have a limited supply of Inner Peace™ available right now, but when our supply is gone...  it’s gone. Maybe for good.

Because we never know when we would be forced to take this website down, so be sure to order a big enough supply to cover your needs.

In just a few minutes you’ll feel relief right after you confirm your order. As you acted fast. And you got in before the supply of Inner Peace was sold out.

You’ll be able to rest easy, knowing you’ll have your supply of Inner Peace™ on its way to you and avoided missing out on all the benefits you’ve heard so far that come with your order of Inner Peace™ you want to buy now.

If you want to regain a balanced mood, boost your alertness, focus and concentration, while feeling energy that lasts all day long, from getting deep, uninterrupted and restful sleep... then, I urge you to buy Inner Peace™ right now.

And if you decide that Inner Peace™ is not everything you hoped it was, you don’t pay a penny for it! Remember, if you are not completely satisfied, you’ll get a 100% refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling!)

When a discovery like Inner Peace™ can make you feel and look healthier, happier and even younger... don’t you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to try it and experience the wonders of Inner Peace™?

Now, because you’ve watched this far... we’d like to personally thank you, we want to sweeten the deal just for you.

When you place your order for Inner Peace™ in the next few minutes, you’ll receive up to 3 FREE Premium Bonus Gifts worth over $388.00, absolutely FREE!
Bonus #1

Deep And Blissful Sleep - Hypnosis Audios

Accredited Hypnotherapist, Dr Steve G Jones, custom designed the Deep Blissful Sleep Audios to give you the most fulfilling sleep that you’ve ever had. These revolutionary sleep-inducing audios use relaxing meditation music and delta frequency binaural beats technology for more restful sleep. As you listen you will instantly relax and fall asleep faster and sleep deeper and longer than ever before. It’s like having a sleep-inducing hypnotherapist right in your home anytime you need help falling asleep! This is the same sleep-hypnosis audios I use to quickly fall asleep at night. (These audios work on any MP3 player, laptop, tablet or cell phone for your complete listening enjoyment). Valued at $97, but today it’s yours absolutely FREE!
Bonus #2

Superfoods for Smarter Weight Loss

In this Premium Special Report, you’ll discover the top age-fighting, disease fighting and stamina-boosting superfoods and how essential phytonutrients in them can supercharge your health. You’ll read about Nature’s near perfect superfoods, and how one superfood contains a whopping 90 essential nutrients your body craves to optimize your liver’s detox mechanisms. You’ll learn about a superfood with 7,000 times more anti-aging power than any other plant on Earth. And there’s a little-known super-fruit that’s revered because it jumpstarts weight loss, reduces the look of wrinkles and stimulates collagen production too. It’s a $47 Value, it’s yours absolutely FREE!

Includes: A 21 Day Meal Plan for Smarter Detoxification for Faster Weight Loss. We’ve included a Smart Detox for Faster Weight Loss Guide which includes easy-to-make and delicious recipes to help improve liver health to speed detoxification with improved weight loss in a complete 21 day meal plan. It’s a $197 Value, it’s yours absolutely FREE!
Bonus #3

The Genius Code

In this exclusive Special Report, you’ll be amazed how easy it is to boost your brain power and memory and improve your brain’s overall performance by eating the right brain-healthy foods and avoiding foods and drinks which sabotage your brain’s power. As you read you’ll learn about the best herbs to improve circulation to the brain that contain a high concentration of flavonoids (antioxidants), which prevent age-related mental decline, and minimize the impact that oxidative stress has upon your mind. We cover how natural brain enhancers like rosemary, essential oil and ground flax seed, dark chocolate and avocados work to stimulate circulation and brain cells. Nicotine and sugar have the ability to speed up the deterioration of your brain cells and can contribute to memory loss and are best avoided. It’s a $47 Value, it’s yours absolutely FREE!
Bonus #4

Medical Breakthroughs From The Longest Living People On Earth

Your Premium Special Report reveals the simple secrets behind smarter health choices to keep you feeling good, staying healthy, and living longer. Today, medical decisions are not being made by patients, or by doctors but by faceless insurance companies. Every year health costs continue to rise and many people end up choosing between paying their regular bills or paying their doctors. This special report will help you think differently about how you take care of your health. It puts the power of your health in your hands where it should be. It’s a $47 Value, it’s yours absolutely FREE!
Remember, all you need to do to get them is click the ADD TO CART button below, and I’ll rush you all 3 Premium Bonus gifts valued at $388.00, absolutely FREE!

If you want to regain the youthful, energetic and healthy life you deserve, give your body what it needs and secure your order of Inner Peace™ today.

But please act now. This offer is for a limited time only. And I’d hate to see you miss out on what could be the most remarkable secret to “growing younger with a feeling of peace and calm serenity” science has ever discovered.

It’s time for you to start to feel better and more in control. It’s time to get rid of all that harmful stress and nagging symptoms today... it’s time to place your order of Inner Peace™ now.

You can put your trust in me, I promise you, Inner Peace™ gives you the precise balance you need to reclaim your energy, good health and feelings of well-being, and you’ll actually FEEL the difference.

Inner Peace™ is unmatched by any other multi-nutrient herbal blend supplement available on the market at any price. Over 5,793 people who really care about their health are getting the extra benefits of Inner Peace™ every day.

You’ll get peace of mind with just one tiny pill in the morning. Take it right before you start your day, to ensure you have one of the best days you’ve had in a long time.

Plans and Pricing

Choose which option suits you best.
One month at a time or buy in bulk – the choice is yours! AND we ship Internationally
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Three Bottles
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Six Bottles
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