Subject: Is LT the secret to inner peace?
Subject: Is LT the secret to inner peace?
Subject: This formula reduces stress and promotes calmness
Subject: Energy & Sleep Super Herb Formula: Highly Recommended
Hi {!firstname_fix},
For years I’ve been drinking Green tea, as it contains LT (L-Theanine), an amino acid that’s been proven to promote inner peace and calmness.
I’ve also carefully researched and added a few select supplements to my diet, such as Ashwagandha, where I often sprinkle it over cooked foods, and sometimes mix with yoghurt.
But all of that has changed now since I discovered Inner Peace Formula which contains all of these incredibly powerful herbs, vitamins and nutrients, all in one capsule.
Follow this link to see the full details:
==> Sleep & Energy Super Herb Formula (Highly Recommended)
The nutrients in this unique formula promote:
- Inner peace
- Happiness
- Stress reduction
- Mental clarity
- Blissful sleep
- Immune system boost
There are other helpful side benefits too of the various ingredients in this unique formulation.
For instance, Oat Straw has been used since the middle ages to boost energy, Panax Ginseng boosts energy also, and has a positive effect onthe immune system.
Follow this link for full details:
==> Sleep & Energy Super Herb Formula (Highly Recommended)
Kind regards,